Case Sharing CASA

The vision of CERALIV is that we hope all families around the world are able to take advantage of our high-performance coating, and release our customers from the endless cleaning chore. Case Sharing is not merely a simple record, but also a self-reminder of our original intention, which is to improve the living standard and make the world a better place.

Capturing the Transient Moment of Life, LIMESTONE

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The Coexistence of Daily and Aesthetic by CERALIV Home Coating

作為母親和女主人,業主認為擁有自我喜好不該是奢求,也為了確保居住者們都能安心長久地住下去,能夠保護建材兼易潔的居家鍍膜是一個不錯的選擇。透過同樣做過 CERALIV 居家鍍膜的朋友介紹,業主將空間最難維護的廚房和浴室通通都施作上透明無色的液態陶瓷鍍膜,對下提供了防護,向上則隱身其中,讓晨啟朝落的每日都與美好為伍...
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Embrace The Richness of Life With Easy-To-Clean Solution

Preferences may change over time, but good design, once it becomes a classic, can be reused again and again. Through the use of stain-resistant, color-preserving, and transparent liquid ceramic coating, CERALIV Home Coating evokes a sense of appreciation for "home" and there's no need to be overly cautious.
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Feel The Throbbing Again Like the First Time

We all know that more dirt accumulates, and we must spend more time dealing with it. The owner of this case has formed a habit of cleaning any dirt immediately, but the diffusion velocity of water stains is beyond belief. "How late is too late?" the owner said. There are clouds of water stains on the shower glass and floor-to-ceiling windows in the home, which can no longer be solved by the regular cleaning method. Instead, those cleaners and brushes on the side describe how hard he worked...
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Enjoy Coffee Time! CERALIV PPF Solve The Marble Problem Once And For All

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