News Report LUXURY

From major newspapers and magazines, news media on the CERALIV LUXURY business concept and product features, professional service recognition and accolades, CERALIV LUXURY designer bags and accessories coating is offered through exclusive technology of liquid ceramic coating, without affecting the appearance and feel of the designer item under the premise of bringing the strongest protection to the delicate designer items, so that you can bring your bag out with peace of mind, assured that your beloved item will always look like new. That’s why we have been so enthusiastically featured by many influencers and bloggers.


你也是非常愛惜東西的人嗎?相信沒人會拿心愛的精品包來開玩笑,不過就算平常小心使用,生活中還是難免有些小意外,在發生無可挽回的悲劇前,趕緊先找 CERALIV 精品鍍膜諮詢,針對不同包款跟材質,都能提供最佳建議…

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CERALIV 時延所,運用來自於母公司巧思先進材料的技術與經驗,導入領先世界的液態陶瓷超薄膜技術,CERALIV LUXURY 不僅高抗汙,更同時保有高透明、抗金屬氧化與減少發霉機會等特性,讓您的精品在保有原始觸感及外觀,提供最佳的防護效果…

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時尚出遊必備!陳語安精品保養小心機都交給「CERALIV 精品鍍膜」


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Attention! handbag LOVERS! With just one more step, you can keep your beloved handbags looking as beautiful as ever. Introducing CERALIV LUXURY, the expert in professional coatings to preserve beauty.

Fashion lovers, especially luxury handbag lovers understand the longing for the dream bag that brings joy but also worry about maintaining its perfect condition. We all know that buying a handbag is easy, but taking care of it can be very challenging. To solve this concern, CERALIV LUXURY brings the leading global professional coating technology to ensure that we no longer have to worry about our handbags losing their perfection due to moisture or improper care. By simply adding one more step, applying the CERALIV LUXURY professional coating, we can make the beauty of handbags last forever and provide them with strong protection.

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First of all, I want to wish all the readers a Happy New Year and a prosperous Year of the Rabbit. Although the word "prosperous" doesn't have much relevance to us - salaried writers, it would be nice if our boss could give us a red envelope at first working day to cheer us up. But NOPE. Therefore, I’m sorry boss, today, we have to use her 2 million-dollar luxury bag which coated already for experiment. Hope that the protective power of luxury coating from CERALIV is truly effective.

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Bags are easy to buy but hard to maintain! CERALIV LUXURY's coating technology for boutiques can seal the best moment.

Bags are our most loyal companions, giving us stability and security. How wonderful it is to carry a beautiful bag out every day! Yet, the caring for the bag causes so many headaches! With CERALIV LUXURY’s number one coating technology, you can forever seal your favorite bag in its original condition, preserve the beautiful moment in eternity, and give your bag the greatest protection.CERALIV, was originally set up to protect your dream home. After interior decoration, we apply transparent and colorless ceramic coating to maintain the best home appearance. During the decoration process, many customers shared their concerns about their precious …

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