In recent years, everyone's love for boutique bags has increased, and as new brands have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, everyone has more choices. They can choose bags to express their own style. The demand for the beloved bag is increasing.
那麼究竟精品鍍膜有什麼優點呢?讓CERALIV LUXURY簡單告訴您,有以下三大好處:
Reducing cleaning effort and time
CERALIV LUXURY 的鍍膜液在乾燥後會形成雙層結構,底層緊緊抓住皮質,抵禦外在髒污對精品包的侵蝕,而表層則是會產生緻密的立體網狀結晶,讓髒汙難以附著在精品之上。
Even if the bag is accidentally stained, it can be removed by simple methods such as rinsing with water, so that the fragile boutique bags can achieve the effect of anti-stain and are easy-to-clean.
Easy and simple maintenance
The double-layer structure of our coating is from the exclusive RBT technology, allowing our coating to stay on the leather surface for a long time.
The reason why CERALIV LUXURY is loved by many customers is that while achieving the industry's top protection, the coating is completely transparent and does not affect the original touch of the bag. Let your precious boutique bag not only get super protection against graffiti, but also not cover up its unique texture of the leather.
In general, coating is to wear micron-level transparent protective clothing for boutique bags, providing an easy-to-clean effect in daily life, helping boutiques bags easily maintain a bright appearance, and protect the boutiques bags from unfortunate accidents such as the splash of drinks and the jeans.