Best Choice of Surface Protection|CERALIV

Feel The Throbbing Again Like the First Time

We all know that more dirt accumulates, and we must spend more time dealing with it. The owner of this case has formed a habit of cleaning any dirt immediately, but the diffusion velocity of water stains is beyond belief.

"How late is too late?" the owner said. There are clouds of water stains on the shower glass and floor-to-ceiling windows in the home, which can no longer be solved by the regular cleaning method. Instead, those cleaners and brushes on the side describe how hard he worked.

We want to prolong the home's beauty but put the cart before the horse. Most people need to learn the features of every building material, so they would not use the incorrect way to clean it. Fortunately, the owner knew about the new trend of home coating on Facebook.

After consulting several home coating brands and cleaning service companies, he was attracted by CERALIV liquid ceramic coating technology , which can bring high anti-fouling and easy-to-clean effects to surfaces. In addition, he trusts CERALIV due to our extensive experience with many famous building projects.

Before applying the coating, we fully cleaned and lightly polished the surface to ensure the best quality.

When the owner saw the shower glass was not blurred anymore, he was sure that coating was necessary if he wanted to keep this situation going easily. So, he also applied the coating on the living room's beige marble table .

Time heals all wounds, but those water stains and dirt will just accumulate. We are so glad to use professionalism in coating to help the owner feel the throbbing again like he saw how perfect the home decor is for the first time.